I do think it helps that I've at least been honest about my badness. On Friday, I thought a great learning experience for the monkey would be to take her to With Yarn In Front--a LYS just south of me. They had spinning wheels and I thought it would be good for monkey to see actual spinning. But they had yarn there.
I know...it was a surprise to me as well. I had NO IDEA...none none none

Mostly because I've avoiding self control's calls.

It's plymouth lace baby alpaca in a scruptious chocolate. It's stunning,
Again, I have NO IDEA what i"m going to do with it.
I'm thinking a scarf. (like always, because there's not enough for a stole). I just don't know.
I bought two skeins giving me about 880 yards.
In other news, I ordered my needle set!!!!!!

It's the nickel based one (I prefer metal) and I have sizes 4 - 17 (wooo) and 3 sets of cables. BL has been RAVING about hers. Honestly, with as much time as I spend knitting, I really need just a good set of needles. And this will keep me from looking at projects and wondering if I have that size needle.
Though I'll still need 0, 1, 2, & 3.
Oh and the last cool thing

I've been putting off buying blocking wires. I don't really want to spend a ton of money on the blocking stuff--so I bought these, and I'm going to see if they work.
One, I can find them really easily in a store.
Two, they are cheap: $1.99 for a big packet!
Three, I don't have to pay shipping.
I'll let you know how they work out. Hopefully well.
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