I need to become that hindu goddess, Kali, with like 10 arms. Sure all of them would be knitting rather than killing people, oh universal destroyer. But she's also the goddess of change...and what else is knitting/crocheting but change.
Last week, I realized that Monkey's swim class was right near Aylin's Woolgatherer--which of course is EVIL EVIL EVIL. I was quite good though, and limited myself to yarn only for things I knew I was going to make. Luckily, Boy doesn't know my project list and I can create projects instantly to buy yarn for.
"Oh that funky eyelashy stuff...that's for the shawl for JM...don'tchaknow."
Sure I had no plans to make shawl for JM prior to seeing yarn, but...it was pretty...leave me alone. I also bought Malabrigo yarn.
OMIGOD, it is so freakin gorgeous. BL had been raving about this yarn for weeks...just taunting me with it honestly. But she's right. It's stunning and lovely and feels so amazing. I can't wait to work with it. However, I'm waiting until my parents get in town this weekend, so they can order my new needle set. Could I be a bit MORE excited? NOPE.
I also cast on Trellis from Knitty.com. It's so lovely. I love doing cables. It makes you feel like a super knitter. They are so stunning all knitted and beautiful. I'm doing this for JF in Shine in the Mallard. This yarn is DEEELISH. So soft and warm and the cables just FREAKIN' POP. I want to use this for every project I ever thought of doing. I had the nightmare though that I had only ordered 6 skeins instead of 7. Next time I do this pattern, I'm ordering 8, just in case. Piece of mind is worth $2.49!
Yarn Critters
1 week ago
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