So the bad news.
Kitty has diabetes. I am very very very sad. I cried on the way to pick up monkey. Then, weirdly enough, explaining it to monkey made it better. Like because I had to put it in positive terms to her, I had to accept there were positive terms to put it in. I'm not looking forward to the shots, but I'm looking forward to being with my cat for a long long time to come.
BL came over for knitting. She brought over Andean Silk from Knit Picks. LUST LUST LUST. I want to dream of what I will make with it.
That gets me to the book I'm reading...castoffs by the yarn harlot chick. Of course I'm actually listening to it on tape (or really on these cool portable audio books the library has) because then I can knit at the same time. There are two kinds of knitters...process and project. Sure there's grey area between (and yes, I spell grey with an e...suck it up). BL is a project knitter. She wants the stuff. I am a process. I just like the knitting. I learned thread crochet without even liking doilies. Assuming i finish this lace stole, it will be the first thing I've ever made for me. I want to do it. I want to take this here ball of yarn and make it into something with my bare paws...and I love that I can...and I'm not that interested in keeping what I've made.
Oh and I also learned how to wrap and turn for short row shaping...I am THAT cool.
Off to take monkey to bed. Keep Jasper in your thoughts.
Yarn Critters
1 week ago
Oooh. We pill 2 of our 3 cats twice each day. You'll get used to the hissing and the running away. And eventually even the bloodletting. My tip: medicate before donning black.
Sorry to hear about kitty.
I think those portable audiobooks from the library are called "play-aways", no? Very cool concept. No downloading necessary!
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