I'm coming off a killer project at work and I think i have stress-dump exhaustion. I am just done. Done. Done. DONE.
Yesterday, I was at Panera ALL FREAKIN' DAY. Not kidding. 9:30 am-8:30 pm The coffee is really good and the free wifi rocked. I brought knitting and I think i got a row done in the middle of stressing and fretting and worrying and being way way way overly caffeinated. BL thankfully stopped by around 4 to keep me company and gave someone to talk to/whine to/bitch at. So incredibly grateful.
(ever realized how weird "grateful" looks as a word)
She casted on her poncho with Andean Silk. Oh, the yarn lust. I shouldn't lust. I have so many projects right now, that honestly, I shouldn't be allowed within ten miles of a yarn store (and unfortunately, where I live, I'm about that from any yarn store...arghhh). Anyway. It was so lovely to have someone stop by...even to taunt me with yarn.
Sherwood is coming along really well, though you should not start this project without a TON of stitch holders on hand. I have NEVER had so many stitches on holders in my life.
On Friday, I'm going to a yarn store for a two hour eve with knitters. Just a nice little time away. It's kinda funny, I never thought of knitting as a social thing. It was something I did. Not something that lubricated my social life. Now I find that I love hanging out with knitters and talking yarn, and patterns, and what not. Ravelry has definitely helped...as has BL. I never thought I would enjoy knitting groups, etc. Turns out I love them. I love the comraderie and the fun.
Sure there's always one in the group that suffers from knowitallitis, and tells you exactly why this cast on method would be better, and why if you don't do it such and such way you aren't a serious knitter. (what is a serious knitter, and why would I want to be one?), but oh well. I just walk out with BL and we spend the car ride home imagining what we'd like to do with our needles :)
Yarn Critters
1 week ago
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