Oh, I'm in love...with another yarn...
My life was fine...yes it was...until it blew my mind.
I think that's Ray Parker Jr. ...but I get him and Lando Calrissian kinda confused in my head...
Anyway...I'm in love with a yarn.
Meet the colorway "Bayfield Apple" by Yarn love. Oh, because I had to explain to Andrew...a colorway is what knerds call a multicolored yarn...it's not a color like "red" or "blue" it's a colorway like....*drool* Bayfield Apple.
hold on a minute.
need to collect myself.
okay I'm back. Yarn love makes a yarn called Elizabeth Bennett...thus uniting my love of yarn with my love of Pride & Prejudice. It's like finding out your hot boyfriend really loves it when you eat chocolate frosting from the plastic tub...it's a keeper.
It's merino...silk...and bamboo... I love bamboo. I'm kinda bummed it's ecologically friendly as it completely makes my love guilt free. I like my love guilty--and with chocolate frosting.
I need this yarn.
Need it like the air. Like the water. Like the blood rushing through my veins giving life to the neuro wires that scream this yarn's name in the night, pleading for it as the completion of my wounded soul.
or...i just really really really want it.
Hello. My name is Jen...and I'm a yarnaholic.
Yarn Critters
1 week ago
I am your enabler. The order has been placed you might have the object of your affection at knit group this Sunday.
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