In college I was a member of Alpha Phi Omega--a service fraternity. I loved it. I love the friends I made through it, including the most-loved JLG. I like that we have this in common. We enjoy helping others, and it makes up for the really horrible things we do to each other.
A frat bro (who is a girl) contacted me because I knit, and asked if I would like to make some baby hats that her church was rounding up. SURE! Then I gathered up my FABULOUS knitting group that I love more than words, and EIGHT of us sat around making hats. Some for 5 hours. It was great and wonderful and amazing.
Just doing something I love for people who need it made me feel like I had paid a bit of my rent for my time on this earth....Plus I got rid of some stash.
Oh, and C threw away my plastic needles because I couldn't give them away...and I couldn't really get myself to do it. C did it...
THANK YOU to all the knitters--and to C for trashing the needles.
Yarn Critters
1 week ago
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