So gauge hates me.
A lot. I'm not sure what I did to gauge. Okay, I do know. Most of the time I ignore gauge like an ex at a friend's wedding. (not that I have any experience with that.)
So I'm making a sweater for a friend's baby. The baby is now a toddler, because I have more yarn than time. So it started with this pattern.
Cute huh? it's called roll the dice to determine the cables.
I got a bit of the way in...a) it looked like ass b) it was a size 2T and the child is turning 3...
Back to ravelry to find new patterns...
Cute, huh? oooh. pretty. should work great. This is where gauge stands up and throws champagne in my face (this did not actually happen, I'm just continuing the simile--it's a simile because I used "like" an ex).
I generally do not check gauge on kid's things--because...well, it will eventually fit them SOMETIME. It's not like they won't fit it at one point in time. So I cast on 154 on size 5 needles. Making 4T---moving right along...footloose and fancy free. Do the 10 rows of garter...WOW this looks...uh...long
that's 33" of toddler waist goodness...where I'm supposed to have 26".
I do gauge. Omigod I'm off. I have 20 stiches by 26 rows on size 7s...yeah that ain't 4 inches. Try 5" Go down a size needle...nope, what about another. What about a pattern size. What about two.
By the end I'm casting on 140 stitches on size 3s and still the schematic is laughing at me. I've got 28" if I squint hard. And I'm supposed to have 26"
And it's only going to get worse.
I tried to ignore. I really did. I thought "oh, it'll fit eventually" but ya know what. That pattern and this yarn are NOT supposed to date. They aren't supposed to talk. They should be separated by a continent.
I gave up..
I found new pattern.
New pattern. New cast on. But I did check gauge. Went down a size...but I got it...
I now respect gauge...I understand how important it is...I fully embrace how needed it is. I love you, Guage. I mean it. I will never deny you again...
Until next time...when I think..."dang, I don't want to knit 4 inches"